edward hopper's 'new york movie'

Uber Cinema encompasses all I care about that is cinema-related. You can find out what I'm seeing, where and when. You're welcome to join me, but please don't stalk me. You can read notes I take on all the films/movies I have seen. You can read up on my own cinema awards. You can essentially take a look inside my obsessive world of celluloid.

This site was born on January 1, 2002. Though, it is not finished. I'm still not settled on the layout. And there are pages I still need to create/add to (for the Rants pages).

I'll also be adding a new feature to my Notes pages. Every notes page will soon include a capsule review that I'll be calling "In a Nutshell". Next to the nutshell icon, you'll be able to quickly get a feel of what I thought.

And I still need to go over some old content and capitalize everything needing to be capitalized. I'll be leaving my schedule (on the Marquee) and my recommendations in lower caps because I change them so often. And I love writing in all lower caps. So there.

In addition to the Ufies, I also rank the films/movies I see. I may take these down since I now do the Ufies, but for now I'll leave them up.

2001 rankings | 2000 rankings | 1999 rankings

You can also look at a list of cinema I still need to see or a list of cinema I own, in case you're interested/nosy.


Copyright © 2001-2008 Karen Offereins
All Rights Reserved